Description: The aim of the ColCat Project is to provide a collaborative research platform for investigating human color categorization behaviors across ethnolinguistic groups. This work is based on the MacLaury Color Categorization Survey Language Lists. The general aim of such research is to understand human color categorization and how it is cognitively and culturally represented across languages.
Status: The website is available at: https://colcat.calit2.uci.edu/.
For further information: https://etad.calit2.uci.edu/2016/04/20/the-colcat-collaborative/
Related Publications:
- Deshpande, P., Tauber, S., Chang, S., Gago-Masague, S. & Jameson, K.A. (2016). Digitizing a Large Corpus of Handwritten Documents Using Crowdsourcing and Cultural Consensus Theory. International Journal of Internet Science.
- Jameson, K. A., Benjamin, N. A., Chang, S.M., Deshpande P. S., Gago-Masague S., Harris I.G., Jiao, Y. & Tauber S. (2015). Mesoamerican Color Survey Digital Archive. Encyclopedia of Color Science and Technology. Ronnier Luo, Ed., Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1-13. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-27851-8_375-1
- Jameson, K. A., Deshpande, P.S., Tauber, S., Chang, S. M. & Gago-Masague, S. (2016). Using Individual Differences to better Determine Normative Responses from Crowdsourced Transcription Tasks: An application to the R. E. MacLaury Color Categorization Archive. International Symposium on Electronic Imaging (EI), San Francisco, Ca, February 2016.
- Deshpande, P.S., Tauber, S., Chang, S.M., Gago-Masague, S. & Jameson, K.A. (2016). Digitizing a Large Corpus of Handwritten Documents using Crowdsourcing and Cultural Consensus Theory. Technical Report Series #MBS 16-01. Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences, University of California at Irvine.